Human Rights Policy

Sanyu is committed to maintain an organizational culture which upholds internationally recognized human rights while actively engaging in the prevention of human rights abuses & violations. Sanyu strives to identify, evaluate and manage human rights impacts on all stakeholders, and play an active role in the achievement of human rights within our direct spheres of influence, as follows:
- To uphold the human rights of our employees, including non-discrimination, prohibition of child and enforced labour, and Freedom of Association.
- To establish and maintain fair and appropriate procedures while evaluating and selecting suppliers and subcontractors; and to review their performance with fairness.
- To engage in open discourse with stakeholders, and be involved in community activities.
- To respect the values, customs and culture of local communities amongst whom we operate.
- To contribute to the promotion of human rights by improving socio-economic & environmental conditions, and function as a catalyst in these communities.
- To value and uphold ethical conduct and integrity while engaging in business, and to support governing authorities where necessary in enforcing high ethical standards for businesses.

Workplace Policy

Sanyu strives to maintain a diverse workplace that promotes mutual respect and professionalism free from all forms of intimidation, harassment and violence, thus having a positive influence on creativity, satisfaction and motivation whilst empowering and enhancing the performance of our employees. [Our Code of Ethical Conduct and our Workplace Diversity Initiative details our standards for providing equal opportunities and fair treatment in recruitment, compensation for employers’ efforts, contribution to company’s progress, conduct, professional development and career progression].

Open Communication Policy

We promote a culture of teamwork, where all employees work in unison to accomplish common goals through open and honest communication across different levels of organizational hierarchy. We foster the sharing of new ideas and success stories, invite feedback on deficiencies and encourage open discourse in search of recommendations for continual improvement.

Workplace Motto

Sanyu strives to achieve “Constancy to Purpose” in the workplace, through unrelenting & unwavering adherence to our company objectives. The Company culture revolves around the continuous improvement of quality in all aspects and at all stages of construction, collective decision making, friendly but firm disposition towards employees, employee welfare and fostering an informal organizational environment as against a rigid hierarchical framework. Sanyu is committed to train and develop current and future employees, whilst developing the capacity of in-house trainers and infrastructure needed to meet the growsing human resources needs of the organization and reinforce Sanyu’s position as the most competitive construction company in Sri Lanka.